Mergers and Acquisitions
Securities and Corporate Finance
Outside General Counsel
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Real Estate Acquisition and Development
Real Estate Finance
Real Estate Leasing
Economic Incentives
Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Creditors Rights
Entrepreneur Services
Joint Ventures and Public-Private Partnerships
Wyche is in a class of its own among law firms in South Carolina. Find out why businesses and individuals have been choosing Wyche for more than 100 years.
We are committed to hiring excellent lawyers, and we give our attorneys incentives to ensure your satisfaction. We do not have a pyramid structure that places large numbers of young lawyers on a matter. Instead, we have 23 members, 4 associates, and 6 of-counsel attorneys at Wyche. This represents our commitment to providing only the most able and experienced lawyers to you. These factors ensure that we are efficient, and that we bring to bear on every matter the kind of experience and ability that can lead to innovative solutions.
Although the academic credentials are not an infallible measure of the legal abilities, Wyche lawyers have degrees from some of the most respected law schools, including Harvard, Yale, Virginia, Duke, and Vanderbilt. We put our intellectual firepower to work for you, constantly thinking of creative solutions to help you reach your goals.
We bring to the table legal judgement that comes from participation in our region’s largest, most innovative transactions, and from navigating complex litigation matters. We have an uncommonly deep and experienced bench for a law firm our size, which makes us a local firm with national-caliber practice. Indeed, opposing counsel on our more significant matters are typically from New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, or other major offices of national law firms.
Comments from our clients suggest that many find us to be a superior value in terms of cost and service. We work very hard to ensure that matters are appropriately, but efficiently, staffed. We work to maximize your satisfaction, not the billable hour.
Wyche is committed to developing a true understanding of your business and developing a long-term relationship with you. We believe through this approach you get better legal representation provided in a more efficient manner. We want to be a partner in your long-term success.