Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippett
Recommended By: Maurie Lawrence
Courageous Questions/ Intellectual Scavenger Hunt
A guarantee to shed light on something important to you. A guarantee to synthesize in useful ways lots of complex ideas from many sources. A guarantee to bring implications to how you presently live and how you perceive the future. A guarantee to lead you on an intellectual scavenger hunt, offering a variety of additional blogs, authors, books, stories, resources and concepts to deepen your exploration. These are guarantees I’m offering to others if willing to embark on reading Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippett. It serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder of many ideals, but as a simple gift reminds us of the importance of courageous questions and the patience and power of listening for answers.
Bonus: the book offers inspiration from South Carolina heroes!