Wyche, P.A. Recognized as a Leading Law Firm by Chambers USA

GREENVILLE, SC (May 9, 2018)Chambers USA (“Chambers”) has recognized Wyche and 10 of its attorneys in the 2018 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business.  Wyche’s Corporate/M&A, Litigation, Environment, and Real Estate practices have been ranked among the best in South Carolina.


The following Wyche attorneys have been recognized for their excellence by Chambers USA:


Eric Amstutz – Corporate/M&A

Rita Bolt Barker – Environment

Greg English – Litigation (General Commercial) and Environment

Eric Graben – Corporate/M&A

Cary Hall – Corporate/M&A

Wallace Lightsey – Litigation (General Commercial)

John Moylan – Litigation (General Commercial)

Henry Parr – Litigation (General Commercial)

Matthew Richardson – Litigation (General Commercial)

Megan O’Neill – Real Estate


Based in London, Chambers and Partners has been publishing leading legal directories worldwide for more than 25 years and prides itself on the independence and objectivity of its research. With more than 170 full-time researchers, the publication evaluates the strengths and reputations of law firms and individuals through extensive interviews with lawyers and clients.

Picture of Wyche, P.A.

Wyche, P.A.

Wyche is a full-service law firm that has practiced law and served the community for over 100 years. In that time, Wyche has participated in landmark litigation, served as counsel on cutting-edge transactions, and provided community leadership that has helped shape and drive our region’s growth and success. With offices across the state, Wyche is the South Carolina member of Lex Mundi, the world’s leading association of independent law firms.

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